San Juan Sacatepequez 18" Doll Outfit ---- This pueblo has strong bold colors and designs on their huipils. Favorite shades include contrasting colors of yellow/gold and purple/violet. The white base with lavender stripes is from a neighboring "aldea" (small town) and is sometimes worn in San Juan. The traditional skirt is black and white corte woven on a foot or treadle loom. We now have both styles of handwoven doll outfits made especially for Terra Experience.
Each outfit includes:
- Handwoven doll "huipil"
- "Corte" (skirt) with "jaspe" (ikat) designs
- Colorful sash "faja" (belt)
Other accessory items such as baskets, hammocks, necklaces, hats, slippers, shawls and other fun stuff are available for sale as accessories.
About the Artisans: Milago and Estifina are sister-in-laws. They and their families make Terra Experience's San Juan Sacatepquez doll clothes.
