Events where you can find Terra Experience Products - UPDATE 10/21/2021

Madison's 25th Fair Trade Holiday  Festival


Last year was difficult year for all in many ways.  This year with the availability of vaccines looks more hopeful for Fair Trade Events.  Please check back for more information we will try to update as new information becomes available.


Location Event Information
Nov Madison

Orchard Ridge Church of Christ Fair Trade Festival (status for 2021 unknown)




Madison 25th Fair Trade Holiday Festival

Its Happening 8am  - 3pm !!!!!  Monona Terrace

Looking for unique, socially responsible, handmade gifts this year? If so, you can enjoy the fun and festive atmosphere of the 25th Annual Fair Trade Holiday Festival on Saturday, December 4th at Monona Terrace (Exhibit Hall A) in Madison. From 8am to 3pm, there will be hundreds of fairly-traded, international products for you to choose from--the handiwork of weavers, knitters, metal-workers, wood-carvers, and creative artists from around the world. Over 40 vendors will offer Fair Trade clothing, foods, jewelry, books, cards, ornaments, baskets and more.

Prefer to shop from the comfort and safety of your home? Visit our website to shop your favorite Fair Trade vendors and find unique gifts that support your values.
Celebrating its 25th year, as your worker-friendly alternative, the Fair Trade Holiday Festival will take place at Monona Terrace on Saturday, December 4th from 8am to 3pm and or online anytime.


Chicago Chicago Fair Trade 2021 Popup Shop (info to come)