Todo Santo Crocheted Bags ---Priced $25 to $30, these colorful and handy shoulder bags are older, finer and were probably worn by the man who made them. They are open on the top and have adjustable shoulder straps. They are made and worn by Mayan men, but they make a wonderful shoulder bag for girls and women too. Size varies, most approximately 12" x 12 , a few 13"x13, and a few 10"x10" (see choice listing.) Since they are older and used, most show some wear. I have tried to indicate their condition as used "very good", "good", "fair". The categorization is somewhat subjective. Places where wear most often occurs is the strap and where the strap is connected; also along the bottom edge of the bag. Some have been mended, others not. Some have beautiful braided straps. Individually priced based on detail, wear and size If you have questions please send me an email

Morrales or "Man Bags" from the Mayan Highlands of Guatemala --- Mayan men and boys made and wore Morrales, long before "Man Bags" became a fashion item. Men needed something to carry their valuables, and lunch as they walked to the "milpa", the small plot of land where they planted "maize" (corn) or took the chicken bus to the market. The basic style of a Morrale is a rectangular bag with a shoulder strap. The materials the bag is made of and the design varies quite a bit from one pueblo to another as well as the individual skill and vision of the artisan who makes them. Some are woven from maguey, others are crocheted from cotton or wool, and some are knitted from various "hilo" threads. Usually the man makes the bag hi mself. Some are made on the road as the man walks the long distance to the milpa.