CB - Oltrogge, My Name is Ana Maria...And I Live In Guatemala
Terra Experience Collection
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A soft-back book with an Introduction For Young People - Especially those who were born in Guatemala!!! - This book was written by Judy Otrogge, who says in her introduction for kids" I am writing this book for you, and I hope you will find it interesting. ... I'm going to tell you about Ana Maria and Carlos. They, and their parents and two sisters live in Guatemala. Their house is not big, just three rooms: one for cooking, one for sleeping and one for having friends come over. ... II hope that as you learn about Guatemala you will proud of where you were born. It is a very special place... I hope that some of you will color the pictures in this book. They should be colored brightly, with lots of red...In these (rural) towns people talk Mayan languages and Spanish too. ... So, enjoy this book about your birth place." The author helped found the AGAND (The Guatemalan Association for Assistance to Abandoned Children) and the book was originally published to help that organization. Sadly the author recently wrote (11/2010) me that AGAND has to close. She offered to sell me her last copies of the book which is the supply I now have.